In the event of a school closure, delay, or emergency situation, households will be notified prior to 6:00 AM via the ParentSquare notification system. The system will begin calling out at 5:30 AM, in order to reach all students and staff in a timely manner.
To ensure your phone number is accurate to receive these notifications, please contact your student’s school office and update your contact information.
ParentSquare has both phone and text capabilities. The district will send text messages in conjunction with phone messages. If you want to subscribe, simply text Y to 67587. If you are receiving text messages and want to unsubscribe, text STOP to 67587. If you do not wish to receive text alerts, please take no action.
You can retrieve school closure and delay information by dialing into our automated voice system at 541-667-6000. Pressing “1” will open the English menu, and selecting “1” again will direct callers to school closure, delay, and emergency information. To hear the information in Spanish, callers should press “2” for Spanish and then “1” for the information.
The district homepage will display the closure or delay information for the day, prior to 6 am. In the absence of a pop-up message, the school will run on time, without delay.
Bus routes do not change due to inclement weather. Please see our bus route page for your students most recent bus route.
Champions morning care will be cancelled if a 2 hour delay is put into place.
Afternoon care will still be avialable during regular hours.
If snow or inclement weather is expected, the district follows the timeline below to determine if school will be canceled or delayed. Our staff begins assessing road conditions across the district starting at 2 a.m. Here’s how the process works:
We make decisions with the best information available, always keeping the safety of students and staff as our top priority.