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Homeless and Foster Care

HOMELESS -- The McKinney-Vento Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program ensures that homeless children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence or a supervising parent or guardian. The state public school admission statute assuring the right of homeless and other children and youth in similar circumstances to enroll in schools is ORS 339.115(7).

  • If your family lives in any of the following situations:
    • In a Shelter
    • In a motel or campground due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodation
    • In a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
    • Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
  • Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections
  • McKinney-Vento Act: Students Navigating Houselessness Education Program

McKinney Vento Point of Contact:, 541-667-6000

FOSTER CARE -- The ESSA provisions relating to students in foster care include:

  • Allowing students in foster care to remain in the school district /school of origin even when the foster home placements change.
  • Immediate enrollment of students in foster care after a school move.
  • Foster care point of contact in every state education agency as well as each school district.
  • Plans for school district/school of origin transportation to maintain a foster student attendance in the school district/school of origin.
  • Tracking achievement and graduation data for students in foster care

Foster Care Point of Contact:, 541-667-6000