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Teacher Placement Information

Teacher Placement Information

Each spring the five elementary schools in Hermiston School District receive inquiries about how to request a specific classroom teacher for the upcoming school year.  Hermiston elementary schools will no longer be accepting parent requests for specific classroom teachers.

The following information is designed to answer your questions and to provide a means for those parents who wish to request a particular style of teacher for their child.  

It is necessary to consider many variables in deciding classroom placements. Listed below are the criteria and the decision-making process that is used in Hermiston School District.

Major criteria used to determine class placements:

  • A balance of intellectual ability and academic achievement.
  • A balance of students who are receiving special services.
  • A balance of male and female students.
  • Matching of teacher and student styles, interest, abilities and personalities.
  • The positive and negative influence children have on each other, particularly as it relates to the learning environment.
  • Balanced classroom numbers.

Decision-Making Process:

  • Teachers and the principal meet to develop class lists using the above criteria.  
  • Information is obtained from many sources, including: their experiences, achievement scores and information gathered from other staff members who have worked with the student.
  • Parents provide information to teachers and/or principal.
  • The lists are then reviewed by a student’s current teacher and the teacher who will be teaching the student the following year.
  • The final decision rests with the principal.

If you wish to complete a Parent Input Form for your child to assist with his/her placement for the upcoming school year, please request a form from your child’s elementary school, or download the PDF form located below this letter on the web page, and return to the school office.  All Parent Input Forms are due to the school office no later than May 15, 2021.