Public Records Request
The district is committed to transparency and the public’s right to access information. Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records must be submitted in writing to the superintendent’s office.
A public record includes any documented information related to the district's operations, regardless of format, unless legally exempt. This may include handwritten or printed documents, maps, electronic recordings, or other forms of communication. Public records do not include private materials unrelated to district business.
The district ensures accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Upon request and with advanced notice, information can be provided in formats such as Braille, large print, or audio recordings, along with other accommodations.
The Board supports open communication and encourages schools to use available resources to keep parents and community members informed about programs and activities. Send all public request forms to
Student Records Request
All student-related forms should be emailed directly to for processing.
Question Regarding Board Policy?
Click on the button below to view the current board policy regarding the obtaining of public records.