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Acronyms - Special Education and Section 504

  • 504 – Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • AAC – Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • ABA – Applied Behavior Analysis
  • ABLE – Assisted Behavior Learning Environment (K-3rd Behavior Program)
  • ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act 
  • ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder
  • ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
  • ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ASL – American Sign Language
  • AT – Assistive Technology
  • BIP – Behavior Intervention Plan 
  • BSP – Behavior Support Plan
  • CBA – Curriculum-Based Assessment
  • CCSS – Common Core State Standards
  • CD – Communication Disorder 
  • CPI – Crisis Prevention Intervention (training) 
  • CREW – Choosing Responsible Educational Ways (6th-8th Behavior Program)
  • DB – Deaf-Blind
  • DIBELS – Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills (an early reading assessment)
  • DD – Developmentally Delayed 
  • DDA – Developmental Disabilities Administration
  • DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  • DVR – Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • EA – Educational Assistant (sometimes referred to as Instructional Assistant (IA)
  • EBD – Emotionally/Behaviorally Disabled 
  • EI/ECSD – Early Intervention/ Early Childhood Special Education
  • ELA – English Language Arts
  • ELD – English Language Development
  • ELL – English Language Learner
  • ELPA/ELPA 21 – English Language Proficiency Assessment
  • ESY – Extended School Year 
  • FAPE  – Free Appropriate Public Education 
  • FERPA – Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act 
  • FBA – Functional Behavior Assessment 
  • HH – Hard of Hearing
  • HI – Hearing Impaired
  • HSD – Hermiston School District
  • I&E – Intervention and Enrichment period at HHS
  • ID – Intellectual Disabled
  • IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 
  • IEE – Independent Educational Evaluation
  • IEP – Individualized Education Plan 
  • IFSP – Individual Family Service Plan
  • IMESD – Inter-Mountain Educational Service District
  • IPST – Individual Problem Solving Team Meeting
  • IQ – Intelligence Quotient
  • LEA – Local Education Agency (Hermiston School District) 
  • LRE – Least Restrictive Environment 
  • MTI/MTSS – Multi-Tiered Instruction (AKA – Response to Intervention(RTI))
  • O&M – Orientation and Mobility
  • OAR – Oregon Administrative Rules
  • OCR – Office of Civil Rights
  • ODE – Oregon Department of Education
  • OHI – Other Health Impaired 
  • OI – Orthopedic Impairment
  • OSAS – Oregon Statewide Assessment System (state testing)
  • OT – Occupational Therapist
  • PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention System
  • PD –  Professional development
  • PLEP/PLOP/PLAAFP – Present Levels of Performance 
  • PSP – Positive Support Plan
  • PT – Physical Therapist
  • PWN – Prior Written Notice 
  • SCP – Social Communication Program
  • SDI – Specially designed instruction 
  • SEA  – State Education Agency (Oregon Department of Education)
  • SLD – Specific Learning Disability 
  • SLI – Speech and Language Impairment
  • SLP – Speech-Language Pathologist 
  • SLPA – Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant
  • SPED – Special Education
  • TAG – Talented and Gifted
  • TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
  • TEAM –  Teaching Education Accountability Management (3rd-5th Behavior Program)
  • THH – Teacher of the Hard of Hearing
  • TVI – Teacher of the Visually Impaired
  • VI – Visual Impairment
  • VR – Vocational Rehab