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2008 General Obligation Bond

On the November 4, 2008 general election, the Hermiston Community approved a $69.9 million general obligation bond for school construction and renovation.  The referendum replaced three of the District’s most aged schools (Armand Larive Middle School, Sunset Elementary School, and West Park Elementary School) and provided upgrades to other campuses.


The bond levy resulted from over five years of study and planning by the Board and various committees. The Board and administration maintained a progressive timeline in mind and succeeded in opening the three replacement schools for students by the Fall of 2011.


To help steward the responsible use of levy dollars the Board established a Bond Oversight Committee. Comprised primarily of community members, the committee served as an independent panel tasked to review Bond expenditures and report back to the Board and community the stewardship of taxpayer dollars.


To learn more about the bond, individual projects, or the stewardship of the program, please contact the Hermiston School District Office. 


Contact Information:

Hermiston School District 8R
Phone: 541-667-6000
Fax: 541-667-6050